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Library Periods

Every class from VI-XII is allotted two library periods per week. The students can use the library, read newspapers and magazines, consult reference books and issue the books during their library periods. The books can be returned to the library at any time. Besides the students may utilize the library during their free time provided no other class is having a library period at that time.

Issue of Books

Normally two books will be issued to a student for a period of 14 days. For convenience and to ensure that the all students get equal chance of getting books, only one book will be issued on a day to a student.
Staff members can have a maximum of 5 books for a period of 14 days.

Reference Books

Reference books like encyclopedias and dictionaries will not be issued. These can be consulted in the library during the library periods. However, for the purpose project work and special assignments the students may get these books issued on request from the teacher concerned.


Latest issues of the magazines will not be issued. The old issues of magazines and periodicals can be issued.

Library Overdue Fine

No overdue fine will be charged from students.

Class Libraries

For the Primary section, a separate Junior Library is developed. The primary classes will be provided with books from Junior Library to maintain Class Libraries.

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